....... by Michael Leunig
Why do you weep you poor, sad, old tree
I've lost an old lover, I'm weeping for me
But what are you saying, you know we love you
Yes I'm popular now but this love was true
This was a love from a difficult time
When the love of a tree had no reason or rhyme
No profit or motive of saving the earth
A love 'unimportant, of dubious worth'
A nuisance, escapist, naive or insane
Loopy and lonely and hard to explain
So my lover went off with a faraway stare
And is lost among all this new passion and care
And although I'm respected I'll always be sad
At the loss of a love just a tiny bit mad
As promised last Monday, I am doing a 'Monday's Verse' at the start of each week, to share some of my favourite poems with you. Today's poem is dedicated to Melanie from Kimono Reincarnate, who inspired me to go back to my Leunig books and remember why I was so enamored of him when I was in my early 20s.
If anyone else would like to share some favourite poems or verses, let me know. I am really enjoying going back to the poetry thing, and am keen to discover more.
Happy Monday everyone :)
Awww.. such a beautiful poem and dedicated to me! You're so sweet!
Hi Bec
What a brilliant idea to have a favourite verse each Monday. I love the Leunig poem.
That is a great poem. I might become a bit of an addict of this Monday verse if you keep pulling off such great picks.
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