Happy mail day today! First parcel from the postman included these gorgeous Babushka softies from Adds (The Humming Cat) which were part of the EB Softie swap. Thanks so much Adds, they are really gorgeous and so well made. Kate already has one sleeping in her doll's cot.
The second parcel was from the very lovely Florence (Flossie Teacakes), as I was one of the lucky winners of her dishcloth giveaway, and it included a pack of delicious dishcloths, and a sweet little cylinder filled with mini-sparklers, for the kids.

I think that our Customs officers must have felt the cylinder to be a little suspicious, as they had opened the package to check through it. I must admit though, I was quite impressed with the way they re-wrapped the present quite nicely. Thank-you so much Florence - it was such a lovely package.

Even Matt thought the cloths were pretty cool - especially as they were excellent for wiping down our induction cooktop (and he's quite anal about the keeping this shiny black reflective surface gleaming at all times!!)
And on the subject of gifts, I have not only been the receiver of gifts lately, I have also been doing some giving myself.

Yesterday was Mum's birthday, and my sister and I got her an iPod. So of course I had to also knit her an iPod holder. This is a great example of my terrible knitting skills, and I really didn't know what I was doing - but I am actually quite drawn to the idea of a slick, perfect, cutting edge piece of technology being housed in something rustic, imperfect and a bit old-fashioned. I guess I find it somewhat amusing!

I also recently gave this baby quilt/playmat to my sister for her new baby Jett. In fact, it was a few weeks ago that I finished it, but I forgot to take a photo before I gave it to her. So here it is.

Another imperfect object, but made with love, and also with gorgeous japanese fabric purchased from Retro Mummy (Little French Kids fabric on the front and Wizard of Oz, and Gingerbread Man on the back). I have actually also given my mum another bag lately, but again I forgot to take a photo of it before I gave it to her. So I will get around to it...sometime...but until then.....yay for gifts!!!!
Adds did a great job with the softies. They are really cute.
Those dishcloths look too pretty to be used lol
I love your quilt and the little J just adds that little touch.
Your ipod holder is really great I love the color you selected. Im sure your mum will love it.
So many great gifts going in and out of your place. I love Ipod cosies too. I agree - it is fun to put something so high tech in a hand-made protector. It sort of makes a statement too when you think about it.
Glad the softies arrived. Enjoy!
So pleased the dishcloths arrived. The day after I'd posted them I picked up a new pricing leaflet in the post office and saw under the list of prohibited items that fireworks was one of them...I had visions of them exploding in post sorting offices...sometimes I am a little scatty! I'm so pleased they didn't get you into any trouble. Enjoy. x
Gorgeous gifts Bec - given and received. I adore that yellow Wizard of Oz fabric too - so far though I have only cut a small piece off mine for an applique. Yours looks gorgeous as a quilt.
What fantastic gift getting and gift giving. I love the fabric washcloths....just gorgeous!
Lucky you those gifts are nice.
Hey I'm making Jett a quilt too (my nephew Jett obviously). I like what you've done, I'm on a different track with mine. Plus I hijacked the first one I cut out to give to my other nephew for his 1st bday this week.
I love the baby quilt - what cute fabric! And the softies you received are adorable!
WOW that baby blanket is gorgeous! I know from experience that they always take much longer to make than you think. Well done :)
Everything here looks sooo goood! Love the blankie I'm sure it will be loved to bits for years and years. Those heart buttons are rather cute. I like your sense of humour re the techy vs handmade.
Your quilt is gorgeous!! Such a lucky baby!!! I think your ipod holder is the perfect answer to technology!! It's lovely!!
Good to see someone else has had some good mail lately. Love the little babushkas! They are so cute.
I would seriously not be able to start using those dishcloths... they are too pretty! I would have to have someone else use them first... lol :-D
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