Sunday, March 23, 2008

This demon

This week, Drewzel has chosen the theme for the this is... meme. So this is my demon - my ability to see into the future. HAHAHAHA OK not really (did I have you worried then?). I guess what I really mean is that I am a worrier. And, as is the nature of worries, they are always about things that haven't actually happened yet (and usually never do). I can take something as simple as someone being late, and automatically jump to the worst-case scenario, and start worrying as if the terrible thing I have imagined is actually going to happen!! It's really awful. To be fair to myself, I am getting better at not doing this. In fact it is my mission to conquer this demon, because can you picture the scenarios I will imagine when my kids become teenagers and I am waiting up for them on the weekend?....eeekkkk!!!!

image taken from circulating's photostream on Flickr


Lilli boo said...

I so relate to this one....It's a common affliction with all Mum's! Looking into the future I'm sure you'll conquer this one :-)

Sharon said...

I do this as well! I get on my own nerves!

Jenny said...

But there are just so many things to worry about!!!!!! I am glad you are trying to conquer this one as it is just a natural stste of being-especially when you are a mum!! I just try not to worry about things I can not change and keep my fingers crossed for all the other things!!!

Jodie said...

I think all mums do it - it is soo hard. You are right about teenagers, with Miss jem off in France and nary a word from her, I could eat myself up with worry but am choosing (mostly) not to.

Levin said...

I'm a bit of a worrier too. Usually it holds me in good stead as, for example, before a dental appointment I manage to think up every worse case scenario you can think of. When the time of my appointment comes and I have every imaginable pain possible, I sit in the chair, he checks and says I'm okay! Yipee - meaning I don't have to worry for about another five months until my next check up. I worry about the kids, I worry about my husband, I worry about my mum and dad when they go overseas, global warming, the drought.....the list is endless

Drewzel said...

Yep I think worrying must come naturally to mums! I'm not a worrier as such, but I don't have kidlets either.
I must admit I don't let myself even think of the "what ifs" about people or situations, if I did I'd never leave the house!
ta for sharing.
xxx steph

Paula Weston said...

If worrying were a sport, I would be a gold medal prospect.

I think worrying is a reflection of how our brains work and how we view the world - our roles as spouses, parents, employees etc, just give us specific outlets in which to exercise our skills.

I've been thinking about this a lot (worrying, one might even say), and I suspect it has a lot to do with how much we trust: how much we trust others, the world in which we live, and ourselves.

It takes a lot of energy to worry, so I guess the trick for us is to channel that into something more positive.

Linnea said...

I am a major worrier also. There is just so much to think about when you have the responsibility of raising little people. They say if you can't control it not to worry about it, easy to say impossible to do.