Thursday, March 26, 2009

Watcha Wearing Wednesday...on Thursday...

Well it's only my second week of joining in with Fi's Watcha Wearing Wednesday, and already I'm a day late. To be honest, I'd completely forgotten about it until about 9pm last night. So of course it was too late to snap my outfit without having to use the flash (urggh!!!).

So. Creative option nubmer 1. Lie on the kitchen bench under the flourescent light to try and get some decent lighting..... By the way, if you're ever tempted to try this - don't. It didn't work.

Creative option number 2. This was a much better idea. Sit on a bar stool, whack my feet up onto the bench, and photograph my shoes. Worked out quite well actually, as these were by far the best part of today's outfit anyway (which also consisted of jeans with a hole in the knee, and a wrinkled t-shirt).

I LOVE these shoes. Bought them from Camper while in Melbourne at Christmas time. SO comfy, and just so darn handsome if I do say so myself. I always feel like I look much cooler than I really am when I wear these shoes. Which is probably not true at all. I probably look as dorky as I really am. But hey, it's all about feeling good right?

Actually, considering how new these shoes are, they are looking a bit scuffy already aren't they. I'm starting to think this blog may reveal me as a person who is not very good at looking after their shoes....or their kitchen bench come to think of it (although I promise I do not make a habit of sitting with my feet up on food preparation surfaces. Honest!!)...

For more Watcha Wearing Wednesday musings check out the blog list on Fi's blog. I'm sure the other players probably have much more exciting things to talk about than just their shoes and their kitchen hygiene standards.....



CurlyPops said...

Those shoes are very cool!
Love your kitchen benchtop too...nice.

Bird Bath said...

I'm loving that red and black combo!

Veronica Darling said...

You look like my friend (well those shoes look like my friend's shoes!)

I love the red laces!

littlechrissy said...

Oh I am a total Camper addict too... love love love their shoes.

Sharon said...

Ooo lovely shoes! They are very cool! (though the small people don't think I'd know cool if it came up and slapped me in the face!)

fi said...

LOVE the shoes, dont worry i am meant to running the show and i forget to post on time as well! i love outfits that make you look cool even if its just in your head;)

Little Mary Moo said...

I'm loving those shoes too. I think its the laces teamed up with them that make them so funky. I loved this post - gave me a good giggle.

Trish Goodfield said...

I 'd love to see some shots of your contortions as you are taking the shots of your clothes. You describe them so perfectly.

Stacey said...

Campers are the best shoes in the world. I love them to bits.
Yours are particularly cool.

Jacinta said...

For the second week in a row I love your shoes. Naot from last week is a favourite brand. I bought a pair years ago in Israel and I wore them to death. I was so so sad when I eventually had to say goodbye to them.
Might go take a look at the sites you have linked to and do a bit of cyber shopping.

Anonymous said...

Bec, you make me laugh so much! Your creative solutions are hilarious! I am beginning to suspect that you have the coolest shoe collection ever, last weeks shoes were gorgeous and this weeks are super-cool! (as my 5 yr old would say)

Karen said...

Those are seriously great shoes!
I think I have the same kitchen bench as you - though I haven't been up on top if it to check!!