Lately I've been discovering some absolute gems that have sprung from the world of green. And I'm considering it my environmental duty to share :)

Firstly, I recently chanced upon the discovery of a new publication called
Peppermint Magazine - a mag devoted to fresh green fashion. And I can't rave about it enough. It is a slick, classy, 'fashion forward' (can you tell I've been watching Project Runway) magazine that was put together by a one-woman show in Brisbane. From big name labels to local SE Qld designers (
djbebe's recycled fabric brooch and
Rebecca Wards' shark shards recycled glass necklace are paired with
Gorman and
del forte's organic ranges of clothing in a gorgeous fashion shoot spread) this magazine has it all. Great articles (I SO want to get to a
Clothing Exchange event now), a visual art/design competition in every issue, and all printed on beautiful glossy 100% recycled stock and printed with vege/soy inks. The first issue is free if you pick it up at one of their stockists (
Meet Me at Mikes fans in Melbourne can find a copy there) or you can order it only for only $5.95 inc postage. I know I sound like I have some sort of vested interest but I really don't. I just really enjoyed this mag - even the ads were interesting to me!
Happy green news number 2. Check out these vintage lovelies!

The wonderful Meika from
Meika's Little Treasures hosted a vintage sheet fat quarter swap, and these are the lovely fabrics that I received. Can't wait to make some more fabric bookmarks with them. In fact, this segues nicely into my next bit of green news, as the reason I have to make more bookmarks is that I have been accepted into the
Reverse Garbage Christmas Exhibition. So very exciting!!! I will be displaying some bookmarks, some reversible handbags, and a shoulder bag - all from recycled, reclaimed and reused materials. I've never taken part in anything like this before so I was very chuffed to have my submission accepted. Now I just have to get to work!!!
And the last of the green news is of the cleaning variety. In an effort to reduce the chemicals and toxic substances around the house we have trying out various 'green cleaning' methods, so I thought I'd share some of the crackers.
Leather conditioner (used on our couch) - 2tbsp linseed or flaxseed oil to 1 tbsp white vinegar. Mix in bowl and rub into leather with a soft cloth, then buff with another dry cloth. Seriously - this is AWESOME!!! It actually worked heaps better than the proprietry leather conditioner we had from Freedom.
Bathroom cleaner - sprinkle bi-carb soda over surface, dip cloth in white vinegar (or pour a bit over the bi-carb so it fizzes) and wipe with a cloth. Using this and an old toothbrush to clean around the taps and other tricky bits was just the best. Worked so well, and for once I wasn't worried about getting nasty bathroom chemicals or bleach on my hands or clothes.
Clothes whitener - in an effort to whiten up some of my greying white clothes, I soaked them in a bucket of water with a cup of white vinegar, then put them out in the sun. Awesomely white. Napisan eat your heart out!
Personal care products - I've been trying out lots of different brands, and am SO happy with the following.
Trilogy hair care products (natural, organic, no creepy stuff), Trilogy hydrating toner (again, organic, yummy rose, geranium and lavender oils),
Jurlique cleanser (natural, non-creepy, smells great - expensive, but lasts for ages), Jurlique sunscreen (now I don't know how 'green' sunscreen can really get, but I can say that this facial sunscreen is 30+ and absorbs so well, and best of all smells really really nice - not like sunscreen at all!!)
And that's it for my mean green tips today. Do you have any special green cleaning tips products or general news you'd like to share? Because I'd love to find out more.
Oh, I ADORE that you have a leather couch cleaner solution! I'm going to try it next weekend.
We're also talking about this over at
Would love to have you get in on the conversation. Here's the link:
etc at Fierce and Nerdy
Thanks for sharing all the lovely greenery!
I am going to try out your leather conditioner too, it sounds great.
That leather cleaner sounds fab!
I clean our floors with hot water & eucalyptus oil & as a bonus it makes the whole house smell beautiful & fresh.
Hi! Congrats on the exhibition, sounds very exciting!!
I reckon you're a mean blog machine as well! Thanks for the clothes whitener tip.
I clean the bathroom and toilet with a solution of 1 part white vinegar, 1 part metho, 4 parts water. It works so perfectly and easily (even gets stuff off the shower screen) and isn't scary to use like the other cleaners that feel like they're burning holes in your nostrils!! I've tried bi-carb, but am too un-co and make a huge mess! This is easier for me because it's all in the one solution.
I ordered my copy of Peppermint on Friday after seeing it at our meeting.
Oh, and not surprisingly, those old sheets have got me drooling!
Thanks for the cleaning tip. I've heard it thrown about here and there but it helps to hear it from a real person that it works.
Congratulations on being excepted into the exhibition! I can't wait to see what you submit. Thanks for the cleaning tips too its just the motivation I lack to actually do the cleaning.
My mind is in overload after reading all your wonderful cleaning tips. Our leather lounge thanks you.
Now if I could only drag myself away from the computer and sewing machine to try all these marvellous tips, I might find I actually enjoy the experience of cleaning the house. Not!
Oh, and congratulations on being accepted into the Reverse Garbage Christmas Exhibition!
Thanks so much for getting me onto Peppermint Mag. I got my copy yesterday (now just have to try and find some quite time to sit down and have a read)
How exciting about the RG expo, you will have to keep us posted with dates so we can come and check it out!
Bel x
That magazine looks so cool! And I looove making my own cleaning product, vinegar is my best friend around the house : )
First up: Congratulations on being accepted into an exhibition! I'm not surprised your work is awesome!
Those fat quarters are amazing! Can't wait to see what you make out of them.
Thanks for the green cleaning tips. Have you seen a book called "Better Basics for the Home" by Annie Berthold-Bond? It is a fascinating and inspirational book of "recipes" for natural cleaning products and body care products. If you google her name she has some recipes online too.
Congratulations Bec and good luck with the Reverse Garbage Christmas Exhibition - looking forward to what the old sheets become.
Thanks on the cleaning tips - I am collecting citrus peels at the moment to try this one -
Go for GREEN!!! thanks for all the tips Bec. Have a lovely weekend :) cheers, Amanda
The Peppermint mag sounds interesting. I'll have to track down a copy. Thanks for sharing all of those green tips. A big congrats on being accepted into the RG Xmas Exhibition Bec! I'm looking forward to checking it out. I attended the last two they had & they were amazing :)
Thanks so much for sharing Peppermint magazine, it look great!
Congrats on the Reverse Garbage show too!!!!
Thanks for sharing all your great green tips - I already use a few, I'll have to give a couple of others a go now too.
Cute brooch in the previous post. Very lucky!
You've been tagged for 6 Random Things.
I'm going to give that vinegar clothes whitener one a go.
And the vintage sheets...mmmm...lucky you!
I've made it 'Blogtoberfest Fave Friday' play along if you like...check out my post. xx
This is a great post, Bec! That magazine looks awesome - I'd also love to do a clothing swap thingy one day :)
Hi, this is Emily and I am interning at Jurliuqe. I came across your blog about being a green machine! Awesome work! Just wanted to thank you for mentioning us! I am glad you enjoyed our cleanser and sunscreen! Please let me know if I can get you anything else!
Sorry for stalking your blog today :)
I love Peppermint magazine - I actually had a copy sent over here, though that in itself isn't so green...
I use vinegar and bicarb for the bathroom as well. I also now love Soap Nuts for doing my washing. I've stopped using them here because of the cost of getting them sent, but will start again when back in Oz.
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