Whenever I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed by the lists of things to do I have floating around the place, I go out onto the deck and stop for a while to look at these bird nests and listen to the chirping. To come back into the moment I guess.

So here comes a series of little posts - I hope. I do have trouble with conciseness sometimes. But I will try. It is Spring after all. A good time for new things. Hurrah!
PS. If you look closely in this last shot, you can see a little head and beak poking out of the nest. Sorry my nature photography skills are not great - plus I was balancing on the edge of the cubby house holding my arm above my head and trying to use the zoom function on my little happy-snaps camera....
I can just see the little bird! Cute! I enjoy bird-watching. Nerdy I know! Just today while at work I was getting stressed about something silly, so I took off outside to hang out with the birds for a while. It was of great help! Always is. They keep me calm & sane. Not sure why. They just do. Heading to the pub would have helped just as well, but I'm told it's not appropriate during work hours. Silly rule if you ask me! ;D
As you're aiming for shorter posts I really should aim for shorter comments! Sorry! I like your long waffling posts btw :)
I love spring time - thank you for sharing your bird nests. I think it's a little sign of trust when a bird is willing to build her home so close to yours.
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