And then I opened the parcel. (This is where I should have a photo off some beautiful packaging, but I was so excited to see it I ripped in without even thinking about my camera, so shut your eyes and picture this instead - two parcels, with tissue paper wrapping, all tied up with gorgeous yarn and held together by a big funky black button!!!).

The goodies above are what was contained inside. It was my swap present from Sherrin (aka Starashan). I can't remember the last time I had this much fun opening a present. I thought I was getting a few handmade bangles - and to be honest I would have been absolutely stocked with those alone! And by the way, they are absolutely gorgeous, and they fit perfectly!

But no, that was not all by a long shot!

In each of these three beautiful handmade envelopes (made from 1950s cookbooks - complete with great food photography and recipes for cooking sole!) was a collection of bangles made from vintage knitting needles (see above), two gorgeous big brooches pinned onto handmade cards (I already have the brooches attached to two of my favourite tops - and they look great!)

And in the third envelope was the most beautiful green vintage buttons sewn onto another handmade card.

This photo doesn't do these buttons justice. They really are spectacular!
And that's not all, Sherrin also gave me some stunning vintage fabrics. This yellow one makes my heart soar every time I look at it!

And lastly, she also made a beautiful handmade card with a lovely message that put a huge smile on my face.

Thank-you so much Sherrin!!!!! I really am so overcome by your generosity, and the time you put into these beautiful handmade goodies. To everyone else - if you haven't checked out Sherrin's handmade goods then I strongly suggest you check out her shops at Etsy and Ozebaby. The quality of her handmade goods, and the detail and care that goes into her packaging, is really something else. I can personally guarantee it will be impossible to open up her packages without a big smile on your face.
So yeah - I still have a very husky voice today, and now Matt is coming down with the cold too (which is bound to be 'man flu' right?).....
.....but I'm smiling :)
Wow, what an awesome pressie. I have some of Sherrins gorgeous fabric badges too. They're fantastic!
You're so welcome Bec! :o) It was heaps of fun to put together. I really love those tops you're wearing the badges with... they're exactly the sort of thing I like to wear mine with. Did you make them yourself, and if so, what is the pattern?!! - and lol at the 'man flu' clip!!
You lucky thing - it all looks fabulous! How great to get such lovely treats when you are feeling out of sorts - just like a "spoon full of sugar". Hope you're all on the mend soon.
What a great package! I love the envelopes!
Holy lots of goodies! I can't even pick a favorite they all look so great.
Those badges are fantastic!
Hope you're feeling better, Bec, and that the man flu doesn't hit too hard. :)
If you have time, I have a really simple meme for you, called "page 123". I've tagged you on my blog, if you're interested. I figured you can tailor it to whatever best suits your blog.
What a great package. Sherrin does make awesome stuff. I just found your blog over at hers.
I love the 'man flu' as well. It's so true.
That is the parcel to beat all parcels .
I love the fabric badges
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