Yes, there's been good reason for being away folks!
The giveaway is being run by BrisStyle, a Brisbane based Etsy Street team that I belong to. And I have been madly collecting goodies, making lists (don't worry, I've been checking them twice) and doing lots of other associated elfy things :P
Basically, as part of a big pre-Christmas promotional exercise, we at BrisStyle have put together 3 huge gift packs of handmade goodies from 17 of our members. Each pack is valued at over US $100, and is chockers full of great gifts including jewellery, softies, accessories, bags and artworks.
So what are you doing here? Get thee to the BrisStyle blog - you may win something very cool, and you'll make me feel like I've been a good little elf :P
The giveaway is being run by BrisStyle, a Brisbane based Etsy Street team that I belong to. And I have been madly collecting goodies, making lists (don't worry, I've been checking them twice) and doing lots of other associated elfy things :P
Basically, as part of a big pre-Christmas promotional exercise, we at BrisStyle have put together 3 huge gift packs of handmade goodies from 17 of our members. Each pack is valued at over US $100, and is chockers full of great gifts including jewellery, softies, accessories, bags and artworks.
So what are you doing here? Get thee to the BrisStyle blog - you may win something very cool, and you'll make me feel like I've been a good little elf :P
Looking forward to taking off my pointy hat off now, and catching up with everyone around the bloggy traps again!
hee hee! Thanks little Bec-elf - you have done a fantastically great job!
Busy giggling little elves are the best kind! You did an amazing job putting the whole BrisStyle giveaway together! It's oh-so-fab! I've been trying to figure out how I can enter this giveaway & I've finally worked it out! I can simply defer my BrisStyle membership for the duration of the giveaway. I'll then be eligible to enter! Woohoo! Now...just who do I speak to about membership deferments? Hmmmm...
Well, what a vision - Bec the Christmas Elf. And what a busy little elf you have been. How tempting it must have been to keep the booty for yourself and substitute it with something crappy. Good elf!
OOOh, you have done so very well Bec. Thank you for your hard work. I'm sure there will be lots and lots of entries. What a great elf you are.
Good work and thanks for the link, I'll be popping over to have a look now.
Have a good day!
Wow, sounds great! I'm having a giveaway on my blog, too, but not as big as this one! ; ) Great work putting it all together!
How exciting! I've just gone and entered :)
ooh Thanks for the heads up!
I'm going straight over there. What a fantastic giveaway. No wonder you haven't been around much.
Wow - sounds like you've been crazy busy! Can't wait to check out the BrisStyle blog!
Oooh I would definitely feel like I had made the 'nice' list this year if I won!
Great job Bec - going to check it all out now.
I do love a Christmas giveaway, I'm heading over there now!
Funnily enough, I can just picture you with your pointy hat, giggling and working furiously.
The give-away packs are amazing (yes, I've been over to BrisStyle and entered. Hope you get a prize for most referrals!)
Hi Bec,
Thank-you for visiting my blog and leaving such a lovely comment.
I am in WA on the canning stock route~ but imagine the kiddies being very much the same as the lovely ones you worked with in Darwin:) I love how you remembered them all snuggled up together~ indeed that is something I too understand the most!
Am glad I could bring back some lovely memories~ your blog is always inspiring so nice to sort of return the favour!
x ashley
Those three givaway packs are amazing - you guys have done a fantastic job!
Thanks for the lovely comments you left for me in my blog :)
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