Friday, November 30, 2007


That was the sound of another flying week! Where does the time go?

Opened my 'Bend-the-Rules Sewing' book to find a sewing diversion other than bags, and decided on the mixy-matchy napkins. Was a fun project - nice and quick, and so bright and happy! Perfect for having with tea and biscuits.

I then returned to bag-making to make a reversible shoulder bag for my sister. It turned out pretty well, but I forgot to take a photo before giving it to her. I'll try and remember to do it on the weekend when I see her.

It was also a week of playdates, and kids sloshing through the mud in the backyard. So of course it was also a week of cleaning (and fighting a losing battle with all the mud around). Hopefully, Matt will finish the retaining wall around the yard this weekend, which will eliminate the worst of the stuff. Maybe I'll have to let the kids out into it for one last good slosh before the wall gets built. I remember how much I loved skidding and sliding around in the mud as a kid (and growing up on a vineyard, there was a LOT of mud to play in), so it's hard to begrudge them their fun. I just have to keep reminding myself "it's only dirt"...


vanessa said...

Hi Bec,

I was thinking... for our bag trade, maybe after the Holidays? I have a lot of things I need to get done now for gifts and donations, and I am sure you are busy too (especially with kiddos!!) maybe in january we can plan our swap? I love the idea of someone carrying one of my bags on the other side of the world too! yay... this will be fun!

I like that pic of the mud. nothing like gettin' dirty!

Lis said...

The napkins are a great idea! Definately bright and happy!

Oh that mud looks like soooo much fun!!