Thank goodness Jade is on the job! Not only that, but she also got one of the bags she made onto the front page of Etsy.

What the?!!!! SUCH a little sister thing to do.....humphhhh.....(can you tell I'm the 'hard-done-by' older sister who struggled as a teenager to be allowed to go out at night with my friends just once a month, then when my little sister gets to the same age she goes out every weekend? Yep, I've got oldest child syndrome. I own it.) Although technically that is me in the photo, so I will tell myself that my super professional modeling skills contributed to the achievement...right?
Ok, so I'm surly AND I'm slack. I've got a meme to do (Lin I will do it this week I promise!!!), I've got things to show and tell (haven't even posted about my wonderful birthday - although, actually Jade did post about that too, so maybe I can skip that one in my desperate attempt to catch up). Oh, and all my Pay-It-Forwards went out last week (only 4 months before the deadline....sorry everyone, I'm sure you all thought I'd forgotten about it my now!) and they should be received any day now, so I'll have some of that to show you soon too!!
Until then, I'll leave you with a picture of what I HAVE been remembering to do. And that is take some time to smell the roses.

Or the 'rosy tea' as Dorothy the Dinosaur would say.
Cheers Bigears,
I received my amazing pay it forward gift and I'm in love with all of it! I'm heading over to check out the shop now.
The bag looks fab! no wonder it made Etsy's front page. Congrats to both you and your sister Jade.
I checked out your new stuff in your shop too! Looks super! So my comment is so lame, I'm almost brain dead - great need of sleeeeeep ;P
I love the bags and your new blog layout as well!
Cheers .. that cuppa looks pretty good ... I lve that bag too ... you girls are so creative ... *sigh* I love it all
The shop looks great! And so does the new header banner thing (I own the untechnical sister thing!):)
Congratulations on the re-opening! The bags are looking fab as always! Oh, and a belated Happy Birthday! to you!
Oh you poor thing, power to the younger sister I say. Guess where I fall in the family lineup.
I'm an oldest child, too, and I know EXACTLY what you mean! : )
what a pretty post! I love the tea cup and the bag shot. Lovely. I'm off to check your links... and yay on the front page of etsy!!
Hi Bec - Love your new look blog and shop - it all looks fantastic. You and Jade have been very busy! Congratulations on being on the front page of Etsy! So exciting!
Oh come now, I think we both know it was the modeling shot that got it there :P
Besides, there needs to be an older sister so they can pave the way for the younger one to get away with more (trial and error so to speak)!! he he
I won't lie, I do LOVE being the youngest... but hey, it could be worse Bec, you could be the middle child who is also the only boy between two sisters :D
the bags look great - front page worthy for sure!!!
haha my sister says the same thing about me being allowed out much sooner than she was...
beautiful tea cup - i love having tea in pretty cups too!
Congrats on the front page, and from one big sista to another, can I say that's totally your modelling that got the front page pickers attention. (:
Well Bec, I think it's the modelling that got the bag onto the front page. I mean - look at that professional pose.
I was an only daughter, but I still suffer from Middle Child Syndrome. You should try to live with that!
ooh the new t cup from your aunty for your birthday, I read this on Jade's blog.... sisters!! LOL
x :-P Em
I can't stop looking dreamily at the teacup - so pretty!
Ooh, that tea cup and saucer is divine! I foind myself drawn to these sorts of cups now, I still like my mugs, but I like pretty more. And the sister thing- could also be a name thing, Bec- my little sis is Jess (Jade, Jess, close!). And know EXACTLY what you mean. Nothing like someone 5 yrs younger making you feel inadequate!! At least you're able to use her evil for good mwuh mwuh mwuh (insert evil laugh here hahaha)
You poor love. I am loving the new blog layout and the etsy shop. Fantastic to see you both doing so well together.
Gorgeous bag! You well deserve the front page :)
Bec and Jade
I just love the new banner and look of your blog, not to mention the store.
I simply love my little bag, and I note that a similar one is featured in your banner.
Keep it up!
x Catherine
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