Only two sleeps until my first ever market. Eeeeekkkk!!!! I think I'm pretty organised, but I guess I won't really know until I get there and get into it.

Hopefully it will be a fun day. In fact, who am I kidding, of course it will be fun. It will be a market where I actually know all the stall holders, so of course it will be fun.

And there will also be live music (which will be nice), and yummy food, and strong coffee (which will be essential), and I will also have my lovely sister helping me, so hopefully lots of opportunities to shop shop shop as well!!!

If you're in Brisbane I'd love it if you stopped by and said hi!! Here's the details:
BrisStyle Christmas Markets
Saturday 13th December
9am - 4 pm
Hamilton Hall, cnr Racecourse Rd and Rossiter Pde, Hamilton
More info: http://brisstyle.blogspot.com

Oh, and if anyone has any last minute market advice for a complete market novice then I would LOVE to hear it!!!! OK, now I'd better get off this computer and back to making up swing tags....wwwhhheeeeee!!!!!!!
Oh how I wish I could come and visit. It sounds like so much fun! Love those bags...just gorgeous.
There's some great market advice here:
and here:
Have a fabulous day. I can't wait to hear how it goes. Hopefully next year I will be a market novice at some stage.
I don't suppose you have a spare sister, do you Bec?
At this stage I'm still coming shopping at the markets :)
Will stop by for a hello :D
Bec, good luck. I wish I was up there so I could come
Good luck Bec! I look forward to reading all about it.
I love your reversible bags, especially the orangey one below.
Really lovely!
Good luck, it sounds like it will be a great show!
I hope it all goes wonderfully for you! I'm going to try and get there for a look but I don't like the chances unfortunately.
how exciting - I'm sure it will be a great success. Looking forward to hearing and seeing all about it. Best wishes.
I don't have any great advice to share other than just relax & enjoy the day. It will be fun. Your goodies will sell themselves. All you need to do is hold out your hand to accept the money from the lovely people. And then say thankyou. Good manners are very important. Oh how about that, I did have some helpful advice after all. Pass that same advice along to your sister & you girls will be rocking the day! Ok, I'll shut-up now before I bore you senseless with any other 'great' advice.
See you Saturday Bec :)
Good luck and have fun! :o)
Hey - enjoy your first market - your bags are so gorgeous I don't think you will need any help - just take some business cards - people will ask - oh and you have a helper so you can do some shopping!!
Best of luck for tomorrow :)
I'm trying to work out a way to trick hubby into coming along with me, as me with the two toddlers is just not conducive to markets, lol!
How exciting!!! Sounds like it will be a fun day and by the look of those gorgeous bags, you are going to be a sell out!!
Hope the day was everything you hoped for (I have no doubt your goodies were a huge success, and I'm pleased you could share it with Jade).
I would have loved to visit today, but I have nine family members descending on my house in four days for a three-week stay over Christmas and the house has been in shambles. After a big day of cleaning, re-arranging and dump runs, I think we've made room for them!
Well I think the day was a great success and you should be very proud. You did really well Bec! xxx
Congratulations on your great success at your first market Bec. All your hard work paid off! My sister-in-law showed me the little girl's bag she bought off you to match the little Jelly she purchased from Ali. They looked so sweet together as a gift :)
Hope you enjoyed your first market!! Well done, I'm loving your bags - they're super cool :)
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